REVIEW: Disobedient (Elizabeth Fremantle)

Book: Disobedient
Author: Elizabeth Fremantle

Premise: Artemisia Gentileschi dreams of becoming a great artist. She wants to experience the world, but she belongs to her father and will belong to a husband. Until a mysterious tutor enters her life and the unthinkable happens. In the eyes of the law, she is the villain. But Artemisia is a survivor.

This story is based on the true story of artist Artemisia Gentileschi. I'd heard of her before but hadn't seen her works or appreciated the trauma she went through. I like how the author portrays Artemisia and her connection to art. The author also breathes life into even the most minor characters, showing their struggles and various plays of power.

This story is one of female rage. She chafes against social expectations for women, she's abused by a man, then forced to choose between two awful paths by her male relatives. No wonder she painted such brutal female characters!

A really well told story!