REVIEW: Queens of the Age of Chivalry (Alison Weir)

Book: Queens Of The Age of Chivalry
Author: Alison Weir

Premise: Medieval queens were seen as dynastic trophies, yet many of these queens dramatically broke away from the restrictions imposed on their sex. The turbulent Age of Chivalry witnessed the Black Death, the Peasants' Revolt, the Hundred Years War against France and savage baronial wars against the monarchy in which these queens were passionately involved.

This is the 3rd book in Alison Weir's Medieval Queens series. We're now up to the 14th century and it was a very busy period. So much so that I was gripped and kept turning the page - unusual for me with non fiction! What struck me the most was the contrast between successive kings and their queens. We have tyrannical reigns and a queen leading a rebellion, then a period of calm with a much loved royal couple. We also start to see the roots of various conflicts, such as the War of the Roses and the persistent warring with France. Really really interesting.