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REVIEW: City of Brass (S.A. Chakraborty)

Book: City of Brass Author: S.A.Chakraborty Premise: On the streets of Cairo, Nahri is a con woman of unsurpassed talent. But when she accidentally summons a djinn warrior to her side, she’s forced to accept that the magical world she thought only existed in childhood stories is real. For the warrior tells her a new tale: across hot sands lies Daevabad, the legendary city of brass to which Nahri is bound. I have mixed feelings about this book. The start was really enjoyable, lots of action and good pacing. The world building was really good and the story showed promise. But the middle section let it down. I think for me there wasn't a clear goal or dilemma so the story felt aimless. There was more action at the end which brought me back and the epilogue sprinkles some more intrigue ready for the next book. An OK start. I'm looking forward to book 2 and hopefully there's good stuff to come! 

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